
I brought the workshop to my community to support the work that we do with clients/students struggling because of generational trauma. The workshop was intended to support how we look at “anger” and what are the underlying causes and how can we provide support for clients and students who are exhibiting extreme anger.

We received excellent training materials to help us understand the concepts about Sadness, Fear and anger. The presentation was very thorough delivered with excellent examples and stories to support the concepts and learning outcomes. Arlie is a very skilled story teller and teacher. He is engaging and has very interesting stories to share. The participants were very engaged in the workshops and the activities presented. We were provided with adequate time to discuss on a personal level our personal stories and experiences that related to the concepts that were presented in the workshop.

Everyone who participated in the workshop expressed that it was excellent. They could relate to the stories on a personal level as Arlie Neskahi is one of us. His stories touched us emotionally and drew us in personally. We were able to examine what triggers our emotions. We looked at what caused us to be angry and explored how deep sadness and fear are the basis for our anger. It provided me with personal insight regarding some of my personal life issues that have impacted my choices and behaviors. I was excited to host Arlie in my community. He has such a wonderful way with people and is a very genuine person with whom the workshop participants could relate to. He delicately helped us wade through topics and concepts that were emotional and sensitive. Arlie created a safe learning environment that allowed participants to feel okay and safe to share some of their personal stories and struggles. The “Anger Resolution” workshop was awesome and I highly recommend it to others who are interested to bring it in their community.

It provides insight and strategies for healing. It allows one to examine their decisions making processes to find a solution to their pain, sadness and fear. Often we resolve issues by choosing to be part of the “Brief Relief” cycle. You will learn what the “Brief Relief Cycle” is and how it impacts our healing and wellness. We often get caught up in seeking out “Brief Relief” because it is scary to face our pain, sadness and fears. Consequently, from what I now understand from taking this workshop, the brief relief cycle can fuel our addictive behavior which often include short term relief from internal pain. I understand that “Brief Relief” is a one way to deal with problems; however, we need to dig deep and be courageous to feel our emotions and wade through the pain to find a long term solution that will result in a healthier outcome overall.

The workshop helped me to look at ways that anger was handled by significant people in my life when I was a child. It allowed me to explore how my parents and family dealt with anger and how it made me feel. I was able to see how role modelling from parents and significant people in my life has influenced how I deal with anger, shame, sadness, fear and violence. The workshop helped me to recognize why I sometimes get caught up in feeling of resentment and feeling like a victim. Being in the “victim role” has impacted my ability to ensure that my needs are being met by my own efforts. Instead I often find myself trying to get my needs met by others which is self-defeating. We are unable to reach our potential as confident and satisfied adults when we are seeking approval.

The feeling chart was a useful tool. It provided insight about the levels of anger and whether our anger is stemming from sadness or fear. I learned that anger is really unmet needs. Arlie’s workshop skillfully takes you through a paradigm of strategies and provides information to help you identify what some of your unmet needs are that have resulted in anger and resentment. The Anger Resolution workshop provide powerful tools to assist in overcoming barriers that keep us stuck. It is well worth your time and commitment to attend.

I have been able to apply the concepts that I learned at the Anger Resolution Workshop in many ways. I often reflect on the concepts learned in the workshop and attempt to identify my feelings to determine what unmet needs I am struggling with and why I have been triggered. This has helped me to not be so reactive and overly sensitive. I take more time to explore my thoughts and emotions prior to responding when anger surfaces and emotions run high. I am taking more time to respond to circumstances that trigger me and I am giving myself time to cool off. Also, I am giving myself permission to stand up for myself and to express my thoughts in a confident, controlled, and thoughtful way when I feel angry. I explore my emotional state and ask myself if I am sad or fearful. What emotion am I struggling with and how does that help me identify my unmet need. In closing, the anger resolution strategies have helped me both professionally and personally. I have a few slips but am functioning at a more tolerant level. Also, I am able to cognitively talk my way through my angry state to “Let things go”

In closing, I would like to reiterate that Arlie Neskahi is an awesome presenter, story teller and person. His “Anger Resolution Workshop” is engaging, unique and effective. I highly recommend this workshop to all. It has really helped me in my personal journey. Thank you,

Kathy P., Administrator


Attended workshop to help me to support/understand the families that I work with. Needed more tools to work with. The workshop did give me what I needed to work with but as it turned out, the workshop became more personal for me. I have started to work on myself as I did find that I have not dealt with all the traumas that I have lived through in my lifetime. I had thought I did but discovered that I have not. I survived residential school…but I find that I’m still living on survival mode. Sounds ridiculous even though I have had a lot of professional training. Have seen clinicians, joined and shared some stories with other survivors but I tend to skirt around the traumas I went through. I will be seek support and work on myself to try to understand why I do things to a point like suppressing anger. I know I have to open up a lot more but have to admit, I’m a bit hesitant about it but nevertheless will certainly work on it. This workshop has been the best one I have attended in a long time! Keep up the good work.

The training was very valuable and personal for me. It opened a door I thought I had locked away for good. I acknowledged and received counseling from past horrors. After that, I figured I can move on and never have to look back again. I have many triggers but always ran from them I’m only beginning to understand that I have only tricked myself to feel that I’m whole and safe. In my culture, we have the “trickster” and I think I have just been following him around for too long. I never really wanted to figure him out. Perhaps, I was playing the role of trickster but now have to end that role. They say we live on a stage call Life and we all play different roles. I find that I need to find myself and play the role I was always meant to play. Again, thank you for this very powerful training.

Please reach as many people that you can. This cycle of blame, shame, denial, etc. has to stop. This training gives great insight into our own way of thinking and living. Finally we may all start to live in peace with ourselves. Good stuff!!

I believe this anger resolution training is for everyone. We need to understand ourselves, the triggers we experience and understanding our reactions. I urge and encourage all to take this training.

This training has opened my sense of self. Understanding why I think and do things in the way I do, has given me a greater insight about myself and has given me more tools to help me help others in my work.

Training was fantastic! If I had my way, I would extend this to a 3 day training instead. It was an honor and a privilege to have attended this training.

First Nations Social Worker


Arlie is a very engaging and a most interesting speaker who uses his colorful life experience and culture to share his broad knowledge base to deal with anger beyond the usual anger management material. For me, I was able to uncover some reasons behind anger which likely stems from issues associated with grief and loss. I liked how Resiliency , Narrative and Family of Origin issues were highlighted to better understand anger and how to resolve it and not just manage it.

I work with Older Adults and their issues of grief and loss usually are more intense as they age due to loss of freedom’s like driving, mobility etc. To be able to help them identify where the anger/depression is coming from and how to understand it and forge new road maps to deal with these issues will be a new challenge but rewarding at the same time. It is like shedding light on one’s inner child in a way that is understandable, so the anger and pain as a result is easier to deal with and resolve. I would recommend this for all people but especially professionals who work in the Human Services field. I enjoyed his presentation a great deal and learned new tools.

Tanis M.
Social Worker, MSW working with Older Adults
April 2016


I left the Anger Resolution workshop with a better understanding of how to handle angry feelings, which will help me personally and professionally. Arlie presents in an engaging manner and has keen insight into the topic. I now have a process to effectively walk students through the anger they experience.

The Anger Cycle Model gives people a way to acknowledge the strong emotions that accompany their unmet needs and determine ways to meet those needs in the future. When students are angry, I can now walk them through this process, which empowers them to visualize the situation and resolve the problems attached to their anger.

Scott J.
Middle School Counselor
April 2016


This class was valuable because it showed how anger can paralyze a person, this workshop can be a start to personal healing.

The process learned from this Anger Resolution training will be useful in visits with my students to help promote healthy expression of their emotions. The process allows a person to explore unrecognized feeling of anger that might be impacting their lives.

Education Coordinator
April 2016


Thank you again for all the help you provided my nephew.

Your program provided a very sad, confused and angry young boy the tools to ensure he develops into an emotionally intelligent young man. If I started today and thanked you for the rest of my life. It would not be sufficent representation of my gratitude.

Jackie J.


I have used Arlie’s curriculum on Anger Resolution with students in elementary, middle, and high school as well as with adults. It is the best material I have seen on this topic, and has worked beautifully every time. It is so effective that I asked Arlie’s permission to teach it to graduate students in the School Counseling program at San Diego State University. It makes more sense to understand anger and to learn how to resolve it rather than just “manage” it.

Connie Messina, Director,
School Counseling Program
|San Diego State University


I had the pleasure of utilizing Mr. Arlie Neskahi as a facilitator at a workshop that I conducted for Native Youth involved in the Criminal Justice system last week. He conducted a two day “Anger Resolution” workshop that was very successful with the young people ranging from ages 13 to 17 years of age.

Mr. Neskahi is an outstanding speaker and presenter. He is concise, interesting and challenges the students to think and respond to the issues at hand. He does all of this in a kind, respectful, committed manner. Many of the youth commented positively about his training and hated to see the session end. He is well organized and energetic with a great sense of humor.

I will not hesitate to utilize his skills again in the near future with my youth program.

C. L. Dodson
Case Manager


I have used your material on Anger resolution with excellent activities to train primary school teachers (100), psychosocial program staff and volunteers (91) working with Tsunami and conflict affected communities and children, community members working as child protection committees (90), Child trainers (40) and now planning to train government officers(70) working with communities in child protection area. The material is very much real life situation based and appropriate emotional literacy tool. Participant’s reflections were very much interesting. In the drawings they portrayed the actual situations, look like when he/she is angry. They were asked what their anger looks like and how they feel like it is. A person with red eyes, frowned face, ready to fight, hair straight up, depressed, crying, yelling, all sorts of reaction manifestations. In the anger cycle, they appreciated how a person could get out of the the cycle by working to address the unmet needs the value of assertiveness.

I really appreciate that your materials are very much practically applicable and easy tools to help people understand the nature of anger and its effective resolutions.

Regarding using my reflections as testimonial to the effectiveness of your Anger Resolution materials, first I would like to express to you that I am very happy to have been in touch with you and it is a pleasure for me to be one among many other witnesses of effectiveness of the material.

Girma Deressu
Training Coordinator
Terre des hommes(TDH)
Sri Lanka


Words alone cannot express my sincere gratitude for the training you provided to our staff last week on Anger Resolution. It was by far the most powerful training we have ever had.  I believe that any organization or community who works with Native American people would benefit from your training.. Your style of incorporating traditional stories, spirituality and song with practical tools and wisdom made the training an invaluable learning experience.  I personally appreciated your level of enthusiasm and passion for your work and for our people.

The staff came away with a deeper understanding of “anger” as it permeates the lives of the young ones we serve. The staff enjoyed the practical exercises we did during the training, and acquired new skills for our daily interactions with the youth.

I will definitely look to bring you back for further training. And I be will me more than happy to provide a reference for you, and highly recommend your training.

Jill L, MSW
Director of Clinical Services
Youth Home