
Arlie Neskahi

Following 30+ years of working, training and consulting in the areas of education, program development, management, community building and cultural diversity, Arlie is doing consulting on a contract basis.  This work involves training, facilitation, strategic planning, program development, and motivational presentations.


•    Training and Facilitation for Community or Agency Issues, Needs, Planning, Team Building, Staff Development, Organizational Development, Collaboration, Conflict Resolution.
•    Community Builder; Project Development, Stakeholder Building, Needs Assessments, Strategic Planning.
•    Anger Resolution. Effective Strategies for Anger, Resistance and Disillusionment.
•    Leadership and Facilitation Skills Training for Community Builders.
•    Trainer of Trainers, experienced in building the capacity of organizations.
•    Multicultural Issues; Effective Programming and Practices.
•    Empowerment; Philosophy, Strategies, Programs, Victim to Participant, Lifestyle Changes.
•    Fostering Healthy and Resilient Children with Family, School and Community.
•    Youth Leadership; Skills, Activities, Team-building, Personal Wellness & Development.


1987 – Present    Consultant/Trainer/Facilitator for agencies, communities, schools, administrators, counseling professionals, service agency personnel and community members in a variety of topics, including empowerment, resiliency, team building, prevention, healthy families, and multicultural effectiveness, as well as facilitating school, agency and community planning.  Over 25 years of training experience.

2009-2013    Native Education Program Manager, Seattle Public Schools, manage district grants providing support to Native students, provide training and consultation to teachers & administration, supervise Native Education staff, develop annual calendar and provide culturally competent support services.

2007-2009    Diversity Coordinator, Edmonds School District, evaluate district equity processes and measures, developed equity strategies and engagement with students, families and community. Provide training, consultation and facilitation to district administration, teachers and staff. Created focus on incorporating community voice in district planning, goal setting and problem solving.

2005 – 2006    Youth Services Director, United Indians of All Tribes Foundation, Seattle, WA. Provided direction for UIATF Youth staff and programs; Education, Outpatient AODA Treatment, Juvenile Justice Advocacy, Youth Outreach and UIATF Youth Home. Developed programs and assured quality of youth service delivery.

2003 – 2005    Youth Services Manager, United Indians of All Tribes Foundation, Seattle, WA. Maintained contract and budget compliance. Hired, trained & supervised staff while revitalizing services.

1995 – Present    Internet Consultant/Trainer for businesses, website development, website management.  Able to design and produce World Wide Web pages and graphics, as well as provide training in these areas.

1994 – 1996    Program Associate, Western Regional Center, Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, OR.  Provided consultation and training for educators and communities throughout the NW and Northern Rocky Mountain states.

1992 – 1994    Substance Abuse Associate, Human Development Program, Southwest Regional Laboratory, Los Alamitos, CA.  Provided consultation and training for educators and communities throughout the Southern CA and SW Nevada region.

1990 – 1992    Drug/Alcohol Intervention Specialist, Nathan Hale High School, Seattle
1991 – 1992    Adolescent AOD Counselor/Educator, Center for Human Services, Seattle
1989 – 1990    Adult Recovery Counselor, Thunderbird Treatment Center, Seattle
1987 – 1988    AOD Prevention/Intervention Specialist, Chemawa Alcoholism Education Center, Salem, OR
1985 – 1987    Alcohol Education Specialist, Chemawa Education Center, Salem, OR
1984        Substitute Teacher, Salem Public Schools and Chemawa Indian High School, Salem, OR
1983 – 1984    Home Living Specialist (supervised residential units/students/staff, conducted behavioral counseling), Chemawa Indian School, Salem, OR
1978 – 1981    Director of Spiritual Life (developed student spiritual/cultural education and growth programs), Navajo-Mission Academy, Farmington, NM


1983    BS, Physical Education, Willamette University, Salem, OR


•    Anger Resolution Training, Penticton First Nations, Penticton, BC, Canada, May 2nd & 3rd, 2016.
•    Anger Resolution Training, Renton, WA, April 20th, 2016.
•    Native Youth Leadership Academy Facilitator, West WA Nat Ed Consortium, WA, Sept 2015 to March 2016.
•    Building Your Future and Healthy Relationships, Willamette Univ, OR, Apr 2015.
•    Historical Trauma Issues & Strategies for Educators, WWNAEC Conf, Feb 2015.
•    What is Your Medicine? Traditional Ways of Inspiration & Perseverance, WWNAEC, Feb 2015.
•    Anger Resolution, Lummi Nation, WA, Sept 2014.
•    Working with Angry, Resistant Youth, Lummi Nation, Sept 2014.
•    Anger Resolution & Historical Trauma; Chemical Dependency Issues, Sept 2014.
•    Conflict Resolution Facilitation, Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, Michigan, May 2014.
•    Historical Trauma Training for Health Workers, Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, Michigan, May 2014.
•    Nisqually Tribe Wellness in the Workplace Staff Training, Suquamish WA, Sep 2013.
•    Self-Sustainability, Entering the Workforce, Team Building Skills, Tulalip Tribes Summer Employment, Jul 2011.
•    Staff Team Building Retreat; Coos Bay Tribes, Coos Bay, WA 2006.
•    Facilitator/Presenter Northwest Youth Leadership Conference, Seattle, WA 2006.
•    Anger Resolution Training: Working with the Angry Student, U of O, Eugene, OR, Feb 2006.
•    Beyond Anger Management, Santa Fe Indian School Youth Symposium, Santa Fe, NM, Sept 17, 2002.
•    Anger Resolution Workshop; Feb 2002, La-ba-te-yah Youth Home, Seattle, WA.
•    Organizational Development, Nimiipuu Health Center, Nez Perce Nation, Couer D’Alene, Idaho, July 2001.
•    Staff Retreat; Facilitation and Team Building, Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission, Portland, OR, June 2001.
•    Staff Retreat; Team Building & Planning, Native Cancer Control Project, NW Portland Area Indian Health Board, Portland, OR, June 2001.
•    Anger Resolution Workshop; Wellness & Native Men VIII Conference, Albuquerque, NM, May 2001.
•    Anger Resolution Workshop; Native Wellness and Healing Institute, Calgary, Alberta, May 2001.
•    Staff Retreat; Communication, Team Building, Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission, Portland, OR, December 2000.


•    Anger Resolution; Healing the Wounded Spirits Conference, Nisqually, WA, Oct 2006.
•    Communication with Your Child; TANF Wellness Conference, Ocean Shores, WA, Oct 2005.
•    Wellness for Life; Keynote Address, Yakama Men’s and Women’s Wellness Conference, Toppenish, WA, Mar 2005
•    Red Rage; How negative behaviors get in the way.  Keynote address, Santa Fe Indian School Youth Symposium, Santa Fe, NM, Sept 17, 2002.
•    Meeting on Common Ground: Supporting Refugee and Immigrant Children’s Education, San Diego State University, 1998;
•    School Violence: Prevention and Intervention, California School Counselor Association Fall Conference, San Diego, CA, September 29th, 1996
•    Healthy People ’94, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, March 10th, 1994
•    Sharing the Vision V Conference, Portland, OR, February, 2nd, 1994
•    Equity, Excellence and School Reform: A New Paradigm for Desegregation Conference, Washington, D.C., December 9th, 1993
•    National Drug-Free Schools and Communities Conference, Washington. D.C., December 1st, 1993


Staff Retreat; Communication, Team Building, Wellness in the Workplace
Strategic Planning Facilitation for Agencies, Schools, Businesses
Youth Leadership Workshops and Conferences
Facilitation Skills for Community Builders
Beyond Anger Management; Anger Resolution
Working with Anger, Resistance and Hopelessness in Youth
Fostering Resiliency in Students: Protective Factors in the Home, School, and Community
Beyond Dependency; The Courage to Change the Things I Can…
Take Charge! Success Through Active Decision Making
Vision Makers; Effective Decision Making and Planning for Bicultural Youth
Vision Seekers; Goal setting for Bicultural Youth
Advanced Support Group Facilitation Skills for Counselors and Mentors
Basic Support Group Facilitation Skills for Counselors and Mentors
Basic Counseling Skills for School Staff
Group Facilitation Skills for School Staff
Working With Culturally Diverse At-risk Students
Youth-of-Color and Anger Issues
Families of Color; Anger, Grief and Loss, Recovery

TRAINING REFERENCES, additional references upon request.

Jillene Joseph (Gros Ventre)
Associate Director
Native Wellness and Healing Institute
297 SE Palmblad Dr.
Gresham, OR  97080
(503) 492-5534

Sara Marie Ortiz, MFA (Pueblo of Acoma)
Native Education Program Manager
Highline Public Schools: A path to success for every student
15675 Ambaum Blvd SW
Burien, WA 98166

Stevie Burden
Consultant and Trainer (Trained with me at NW Regional Educational Lab, Portland, OR)
Burden & Burden, Associates
Wheeler, OR.