
Book a Training, Workshop or Presentation with Arlie Neskahi



Completed Trainings follow…


May 2nd,2016  –  May 3rd,2016    Time:  9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Penticton Indian Band Education Department.

1. Educators
2. School staff and support persons
3. Community members and program staff

Learn about the Anger Resolution process to assist in strategies to:

Engage children and families in ways to promote emotional literacy, competence and intelligence

  • Understand anger’s role with historical trauma and how deep frustration & resentment are at the root
    of much bitterness, rage, despair, disillusionment and depression.
  • Assist children and families in rebuilding an emotional vocabulary to enhance communication.
  • Assist children and families in identifying their unmet needs signaled by their anger.
  • Assist children and families in finding healthy choices to meet their needs and resolve anger.
  • Begin initial creation of incorporating concepts of anger resolution in school, class activities, curriculum, staff/student interaction.

For community members and program staff:

  • Begin personal anger resolution if needed for personal health and well-being.
  • Regain hope, purpose and emotional, physical, mental and spiritual balance.
  • Develop action planning at a personal, familial and tribal level to resolve anger and frustration.